About Us

As part of this initiative, the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA), on behalf of the States, offshore wind developers and fishermen, selected BrownGreer, together with Carbon Trust, to serve as the Regional Fund Administrator (RFA) tasked with developing a process for distributing financial compensation to address potential economic losses experienced due to offshore wind energy development off the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic coasts.

Along with input from representatives from the eleven states, the commercial and recreational fishing industry, and offshore wind development, the RFA acts as a neutral party to develop a fair and equitable compensatory framework for potential losses incurred by the fishing industry.



BrownGreer has over twenty years of experience with claims administration for a diverse range of programs. BrownGreer has gained specific related experience in coordinating with governmental and local stakeholders to create a Seafood Compensation Program for recreational and commercial Gulf fishing operators as a part of the Deepwater Horizon settlement.

BrownGreer logo
Carbon Trust logo

Carbon Trust

The Carbon Trust is a global climate consultancy driven by the mission to accelerate the move to a decarbonized future. As climate pioneers for over 20 years, Carbon Trust partners with businesses, governments, and financial institutions to drive positive climate action through strategic planning and target setting to activation and communication.


The Design Oversight Committee (DOC) and For-Hire Committee (FHC) provide advice and guidance on the development of the regional fisheries compensation mitigation claims process. The DOC consists of: (a) six primary and six alternate representatives from the commercial fishing industry; (b) three primary and three alternate representatives from states; and (c) three primary and three alternate representatives from the offshore wind development industry. The FHC consists of (a) three primary representatives and one alternate representative from the for-hire recreational fishing industry; (b) one primary and one alternate representative from the states; and (c) one primary and one alternate representatives from the offshore wind development industry.

The RFA meets regularly with the DOC and FHC separately for advice, guidance, and support during the design and development of the claims process.

Meet the Team


orranbrown jr Orran Brown, Jr.
Orran is a class and mass claims resolution strategist and administrator. He designs, implements, and manages notice campaigns and claim submission and review systems for class action settlements, voluntary mass settlements, and product recall programs in all sizes and types.
phil strunk Phil Strunk
Phil has dedicated his time to the implementation and administration of mass claim resolution programs. He believes that the most rewarding part of his job is the knowledge that the work done by BrownGreer helps real people rebuild their lives. Phil carries this spirit and enthusiasm into each new engagement.
sydney gustafson Sydney Gustafson
Responsible for the administration of mass torts, consumer protection, and class action settlements. Sydney's work includes designing and implementing notice campaigns; claim submission and review systems; and developing and managing quality assurance processes to ensure accuracy in review processes.
justin wind Justin Wind
Responsible for various aspects of mass tort and class action settlement administration as well as the administration of consumer protection programs and product recalls. Justin's duties include analyzing class member data, developing review procedures; coordinating and monitoring payment processes; and overseeing outreach efforts.


olivia burke Olivia Burke
Leads the Carbon Trust's work on establishing and running large collaborative programs in the offshore wind sector, including in the US for the last seven years. Recent work includes collaboratively establishing the Maine Offshore Wind Research Consortium and undertaking studies looking at the impact of offshore wind farms in the marine environment.
caroline coccoli Caroline Coccoli
Originally from Maryland, she works closely with governments and public agencies across the marine industry. Previously worked for the Scottish Government on the development of a statutory stakeholder engagement strategy and management of a fisheries and conservation stakeholder working group.
jan matthiesen Jan Matthiesen
Director at the Carbon Trust, helping to establish the National Offshore Wind R&D Consortium by working closely in collaboration with multiple states, federal agencies and other interested parties. He has played a key role in expanding international collaborative initiatives by supporting efforts to promote responsible offshore wind development including significant efforts in Asia.
laura singer Laura Singer
Principal at SAMBAS Consulting, Laura brings nearly 30 years of experience addressing marine and coastal issues in New England. Specialized in fostering open, transparent dialogue about fisheries issues and facilitating meaningful discussions as a trusted and impartial convener.